Topics Covered:Private Tasting Event TipsMinimizing Post-Fermentation Astringency in White WinesInert Gas Pre-FermentationProducing a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Style WineMixing Yeast SlurriesUsing Dry Ice in Yeast SlurriesFermentation that Won’t StartProduction Steps Immediately Post-Primary FermentationMonitoring Spoilage in a Cool FermentationExtended Maceration of RedsAcid AdditionsYeast/Nutrient Dosage Rate DeterminationRemoving a Film and Wine Oxidation
Wine Sensory
February 2021: Q&A Summary
Topics Covered:Sluggish Fruit Wine FermentationFiltration: Differential PressureFiltration: BackflushingSparging Wine in TankBlanketing HeadspaceFiltration: Plate-and-Frame Filter Media ProgramFiltration: Pre-Filtering for CrossflowPét-nat ProductionFining: Reducing Bitterness in WineHeat (Protein) Stability Testing Have a blueberry wine that has slowed down in fermentation and hovering around 2 Brix remaining. Can I add DAP at this stage? It sounds like the fermentation […]
Q&A Summary: August 2020
Topics Covered:Barrel SeletionsYeast Strain SelectionMixing Juice during FermentationNutrient Additions & Supplement StrategiesMLF InoculationYeast FilmsSulfur Dioxide Stock Solutions2020 Scott Labs Nutrient Supplement StrategiesLearning Wine Sensory Picking your barrels: Is it worth paying the extra money for the extra dry time for oak barrels (the seasoning)? Is it beneficial? The short answer to this is, I don’t […]