The enactment of FSMA in 2011 changed the focus of FDA food regulation from reacting to food production risks or contamination problems, and is instead requiring food processors to prevent food contamination and safety risks. It is currently the FDA’s goal to inspect all registered FDA facilities, including wineries, by the end of 2018.
In Module 1: Creating Process Flow Diagrams you will learn:
- What are Process Flow Diagrams?
- Specific characteristics to include in your Process Flow Diagrams
- How to group wines to minimize the number of Process Flow Diagrams you create
Video Length: 52 Minutes
Purchase Access to Module 1$75.00Add to cart
Purchase Access to Full SeriesIncludes this video plus the six related videos shown below.
$250.00Add to cart
For more information on FSMA and how it pertains to wineries, please visit this blog post.
Related Items:
FSMA Documentation for Wineries Module 3: Writing SOPs & SSOPs
FSMA Documentation for Wineries Module 5: Introduction to Traceability for Smaller Wineries
FSMA Documentation for Wineries Module 6: What to Expect during an FDA Inspection
FSMA Documentation for Wineries Module 4: Implementing an Employee Training Program
Introduction to FSMA Documentation for Wineries